Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The 2010 Census

I don't want to dwell on this, but I feel that I need to say something. Let me preface this OPINION by agreeing that the money spent on mailing a letter to alert people to the fact that they will be receiving a Census by mail is wasteful. I get it. Even though that money (with the exception of paper, toner, etc) is going almost DIRECTLY TO ANOTHER DIVISION OF THE GOVERNMENT: ie the Postal Service, I agree it is wasteful.

But there are over TWO MILLION CIVILIANS alone who work for the government, and this number excludes the Postal Service ( The decision to go through with the mailing (which has been done in the past) was made by a group of people, NOT THE PRESIDENT. If you want things to be done differently, stop complaining and apply for a job! They plan to hire 300,000 people this year alone.

And to people like this: (refer to the comment made by Robert Malacheski)

who insinuate that they are going to threaten or shoot Census workers... WHO ARE CIVILIANS BY THE WAY, go to hell. It's so sad, but I can probably guess where you are from. Kudos to your wit and wisdom.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The 2009 Oscars

Is it just me or are the nominees for this years Academy Awards pretty lame? I'm just not so stoked on the titles for Best Picture like years past. And I'm also not happy about the category being upped to 10.

Of course Avatar is going to win this year, and maybe I'm being naive thinking that it isn't as interesting as some other movies but I don't find CGI to be that interesting or revolutionary. And how big of a deal is it to win against a bunch of mediocre movies??

Honestly, this year's nominees didn't make me rush to the movies to see them. And I haven't heard anyone raving about the nominees or debating which title should win.

FLASH BACK: 2007: I remember arguing about the outcome pre/post Oscar ceremony; I was all for There Will Be Blood (shot on slow-speed film, a score that haunted you for days afterwards, incredible acting) and most were all about No Country for Old Men (which I also really enjoyed). Atonement was pretty harrowing as well. Juno was great, but never stood a chance. Same with Michael Clayton.

FLASHBACK: 2008: I didn't think the nominees were as strong as 2007, but I liked Slumdog, The Reader was really good, Sean Penn was awesome in Milk, and A Curious Case of Benjamin Button (my pick for winner) definitely left a lasting impression on me.

Let's compare them to the past two years.

2009 Nominees: (Winner TBA)

The Blind Side
District 9
An Education
The Hurt Locker
Inglorious Bastards
A Serious Man
Up in the Air

2008 Nominees:

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire (Winner)

2007 Nominees:

No Country For Old Men (Winner)
There Will Be Blood
Michael Clayton

I'm lost. If Avatar wasn't in the pile, what movie would win Best Picture for 2009? I liked some of the titles, but I don't think any of them deserve a Best Picture award.